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A beginner’s guide to building a custom PC

A beginner’s guide to building a custom PC

Building a PC can be daunting but fun if you know what to look for. If it’s your first time building your very own PC, you can get started by shopping for the right parts. Also, teaming up a friend who is well versed in making custom builds can help.
Top 3 benefits of using a PC

Top 3 benefits of using a PC

PCs (personal computers) are the advent of information technology and world computing. They account to the rise of business, smooth functioning of societies, and have become an integral part of the world economy in general. Even schools use computers these days and age is no bar to using these great devices.
Top four reasons to upgrade to Windows 8 Pro for PC users

Top four reasons to upgrade to Windows 8 Pro for PC users

If you’re stuck in Windows XP or Windows 98 and need a reason to move on, then welcome to the world of Windows 8 Pro. What makes Windows 8 Pro awesome is it’s user interface. Getting the right OS for your needs is what matters the most. If you don’t get the industry standard versions, chances are, you won’t be able to run most state of the art apps.
How to use a computer for first time users

How to use a computer for first time users

Using a computer can be daunting for first time users. Keyboards, mouse, GUIs, boot up procedures – the technical list for functioning PCs can seem endless but at its core it’s very simple. All you need to realize is that every user was once a beginner and no matter how adept people are, they all started from the same starting point.
A guide to buying the right desktop PC for beginners

A guide to buying the right desktop PC for beginners

Buying a desktop PC can be both fun and daunting. If you rush into buying one without assessing your needs and skip the basic research, you might end up with a disappointing model. This is why it’s important to keep a few considerations in mind before you venture out to buy your first desktop PC.
All-in-one computers: a stylish choice

All-in-one computers: a stylish choice

All-in-one computers are a single piece of hardware that comprises of the monitor and the computer’s system in a compact case. These systems have an edge over desktops by being simple and more compact that the desktops. This type of computer was popular in the 1980s. They included computers such as Compaq Portable, Osborne 1, and Kaypro II, created for professional use.
Why buy an all-in-one PC?

Why buy an all-in-one PC?

Modern day computers are designed to be simple and compact. The first computer monitors were large, bulky, awkward cathode ray tubes. The most common form of computer consisted of an integrated monitor, computer system, and input devices. CRT monitors have since become obsolete due to the rise in popularity of flat screen technology.
Top 5 desktop PCs on the market

Top 5 desktop PCs on the market

Desktop PCs are powerful devices, and there are many reasons why you should buy one to meet your work, home, or gaming needs. The best PCs do not take much space and are typically more powerful than laptops. Often, they are also far more affordable than premium laptops and are easier to customize and upgrade.