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Kidney Disease Diet Plan – What You Need To Eat For A Healthy Kidney

Kidney Disease Diet Plan – What You Need To Eat For A Healthy Kidney

Kidney disease interferes with the normal functioning of the kidneys. This means that the kidneys do not filter waste as they normally do, hence leading to waste products and fluids in the body. Symptoms include swelling of the ankles, breathlessness, weakness, vomiting and poor sleep. It is essential to stick to an appropriate diet that will help the kidneys function well.
Effective Treatment for Eczema and Psoriasis

Effective Treatment for Eczema and Psoriasis

Two diseases that look much similar but are different from each other. Eczema is commonly known as Dermatitis. This is not just one disease but a group of diseases that come out as one disease and cause inflammation and redness on the skin. One can identify eczema by spotting the red, inflamed spots and heavy itching on those affected areas of the skin.
7 Easy Home Remedies for Hemorrhoids

7 Easy Home Remedies for Hemorrhoids

In the country, almost 75 percent of the people within in the age group of 45-65 get hemorrhoids commonly known as piles. Doctors suggest various theories for the occurrence of this issue, which affects the rectum and anus, swelling and bleeding which will be one of the common and noticeable symptoms.
How To Stop Heartburn Simple Steps To Soothe The Pain

How To Stop Heartburn Simple Steps To Soothe The Pain

In most cases, a sumptuous meal at a gala feast does not end happily for everyone. All the greasy and spicy food may sometimes end up causing a very intense burning sensation in the chest and upper stomach. This is what heartburn feels like. What Is The Cause? Heartburn is caused when the acid in your stomach surpasses the sphincter muscle.
Neck Pain – Causes and Home Remedies

Neck Pain – Causes and Home Remedies

Experiencing neck pain can often be frustrating as it ends up affecting your work and routine chores. Although neck pain and stiffness, usually is not a sign of any serious condition, it is advised that you get checked by a doctor, if it’s been bothering you intermittently for more than three months.
10 Natural Remedies for Constipation

10 Natural Remedies for Constipation

With a rise in junk food and fat-laden food trends, a lot of people often face an issue of irregular bowel movement. Constipation decreases the frequency of bowel movement resulting in difficulty in passing stools. The problem is usually faced when one consumes insufficient liquids and follows a poor diet that has no fibrous food.
Eight Tips to Help Relieve Arthritic Pain

Eight Tips to Help Relieve Arthritic Pain

As we get older, the little things we take for granted like climbing stairs can become a big deal, especially if you suffer from arthritis. Arthritis is an auto-immune muscular-skeletal condition that is characterized by stiff joints and inflammation of the joints. This can make routine movements quite painful and affect the patient’s quality of life.
8 Effective Home Remedies for Heartburn

8 Effective Home Remedies for Heartburn

Heartburn is a common disorder, and most adults experience this now and then especially after a heavy meal. It is accompanied by an uncomfortable burning sensation in the chest that often radiates towards the throat. It is usually caused by acid reflux that occurs when the ring of muscle that allows food into your stomach relaxes.