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Overview and Treatment of Diarrhea

Overview and Treatment of Diarrhea

Every person suffers from diarrhea at some point. Loose and regular bowel movements are the main signs that a person is suffering from diarrhea. In normal cases, diarrhea lasts for few days. However, in case this lasts for more time it indicates the presence of a more serious disorder like inflammatory bowel diseases and irritable bowel syndrome.
Effective Home Remedies for Blood Pressure

Effective Home Remedies for Blood Pressure

According to a study, around 15 percent of the total deaths in the country occur due to irregular blood pressure. It risks the heart and causes strokes, kidney failures, and cognitive declines. According to American Heart Association, 28 percent of its population suffers from High blood pressure. This is quite alarming.
6 Simple Home Remedies for a Dry Scalp

6 Simple Home Remedies for a Dry Scalp

There are different types of beauty woes that you have to deal with. Dry scalp is one of the most awkward problems. The itching sensation can become irritating. The most prominent reason for this condition is the after-effect of underactive or dormant oil glands in the scalp, and as a result, the needed amount of oil is not produced in the skin.
Here’s How Cherries Help in Gout Treatment

Here’s How Cherries Help in Gout Treatment

Gout, which is also sometimes referred as the gouty arthritis is a condition, which typically affects the small bones of the body. It is caused due to a faulty metabolic system, gout leads to joint swelling, stiffness and burning pain in the small bones of the body. Even though this arthritis condition can affect anyone, men have more risks of getting gouts than women.
Popular Remedies for Leg and Ankle Swelling

Popular Remedies for Leg and Ankle Swelling

Swollen ankles and legs invite serious discomfort and pain for a lot of people. Fluid accumulation around the base of your legs causes this problem and this type of swelling known as edema. Constant sitting or standing for an extended period can aggravate this condition. When you are suffering from this problem, swelling and puffiness become intense in hot weather.
Different Treatment Plans for Gout Pain Relief and Prevention of Gout Attacks

Different Treatment Plans for Gout Pain Relief and Prevention of Gout Attacks

Gout treatment usually involves medicines. The choice of drugs by the doctor will depend on your present health condition and your own preferences. Gout medicines are used to treat an acute case of gout attacks and also to prevent future attacks. They also reduce the risk of several complications streaming from gout like tophi development from urate crystal deposits.
Most Effective Treatment Options for Gout

Most Effective Treatment Options for Gout

The main symptoms of gout are joint tenderness, redness, and rapid pain attacks. This complex form of arthritis can affect anybody and the pain attacks can occur at any time even in the middle of the night. The affected joint becomes really hot, swollen and tender and you may find even the weight of a paper sheet intolerable.
6 Effective Home Remedies to Treat Post-Nasal Drip

6 Effective Home Remedies to Treat Post-Nasal Drip

When nasal mucosa produces mucus in excess, it causes PND or post-nasal drip. It is a common problem under such circumstances. All the glands in the lining of your throat, nose, and airways produce mucus continually. These glands work toward cleaning and moistening the nasal membranes, clears and traps inhaled foreign particles, humidifies the air in the airways, and fights with infections.