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Important Information on Cervical Cancer

Important Information on Cervical Cancer

At some point in their lives, some females are found to be diagnosed with cervical cancer. Cervical cancer causes tumor formation in the cervical region that may get aggravated to develop into malignancies. The lowest narrow part of the uterus is called the cervix. It is the cylindrical portion primarily composed of fibromuscular tissue.
Everything You Need to Know about Multiple Myeloma

Everything You Need to Know about Multiple Myeloma

Multiple myeloma is a type of leukemia or blood cancer and occurs in the plasma or the white blood cells that usually produce antibodies to fight infection. However, due to the building up of cancerous cells, they get accumulated near the bone marrow by multiplying uncontrollably and eventually do not form antibodies to fight the infections.
Everything You Need to Know about Liver Cancer

Everything You Need to Know about Liver Cancer

Liver cancer is characterized by the unmanageable growth of cells of the liver. Cancer, which originates in the liver is mainly regarded as liver cancer or hepatic cancer. Sometimes, cancer from other parts of the body may spread to the liver, such as from the colon, lungs or breast and that is called liver metastasis.
Important Facts to Know about Heart Attack

Important Facts to Know about Heart Attack

Heart attack, also known as Myocardial Infarction, is very common in the country. In fact, it is so random that it happens to people every 40 seconds. The heart is a muscle that needs proper nourishment with oxygen and this oxygen is supplied to the heart through the blood. When the arteries to a certain segment of the heart are collapsed or blocked, the oxygen supply to the heart is stopped and as a result, the heart muscles begin to die.
Things to Know about Oral Cancer

Things to Know about Oral Cancer

Cancer on the inside of the mouth is specifically termed as oral cancer. It is sometimes referred to as the mouth or oral cavity cancer too. The regions where this cancer occurs are usually in and around the mouth. Although it can spread to other parts of the body, the initial occurrences are in the mouth itself.
Things You Need to Know about Measles

Things You Need to Know about Measles

Measles is believed to be one of the most contagious diseases in human beings caused by the rubeola virus. Once an individual gets infected, the immunity of that particular patient drops down immediately. Moreover, if once a person gets this infection, he or she is likely to be immunized for his or her entire life and is left with lesser chances of getting the infection again.
An Insight Into the Bipolar Disorder

An Insight Into the Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder, also known as manic depression is a mental illness which creates rapid mood fluctuations. It is a lifetime disorder and is popular in teens and adults. However, children are also likely to get affected by this. Bipolar disorders can drastically affect a person’s well being due to the frequent mood swings.
Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment of HIV

Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment of HIV

The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) resides in the sexual fluid, breast milk, and blood of an infected person. If HIV is kept untreated for years, it gradually gets transformed into AIDS. HIV generally interferes with the defense mechanism of the body, leading to the development of acquired immune deficiency syndrome, also popularly known as AIDS.