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Prevention and Treatment for Bone Spurs

Prevention and Treatment for Bone Spurs

Bone spurs, technically known as osteophytes are an extra outgrowth of bone mostly at the extreme ends of bones and joints. These hard bumps of bone are common in the neck (cervical spine), hands, shoulders, low back (lumbar spine), hips, knee, and heel. Bone spur by itself is not a cause of trouble unless it presses or rubs against another bone or nerves, which may cause pain and stiffness.
Causes of Low White Blood Cell Count

Causes of Low White Blood Cell Count

Blood in the human body contains many types of cells. White blood cells or WBC is one of the types that are responsible for the body’s immune system. These cells are made inside the bone marrow. The WBC count is an important measurement to decide on various health conditions. Low count of white blood cells, also known as leukopenia, keeps people at a risk of infection.
Treatment for causes of dizziness

Treatment for causes of dizziness

Dizziness is a condition that usually does not require any treatment unless it is associated with some more potent condition. For example, if one feels dizzy due to low blood sugar caused by diabetes, then it can be a cause of concern. Dizziness usually is temporary and does not last for more than a week or two.
An overview of TMJ treatment options

An overview of TMJ treatment options

The temporomandibular joint connects the jaw to your skull. Injury or damage to the same can cause localized pain or discomfort, this condition is called as temporomandibular joint (TMJ) syndrome. In most of the cases, TMJ disorders disappear without any treatment. Other than that, here is an overview of different types TMJ treatment options based on its severity.
Top yoga poses that can give you relief from sciatica pain

Top yoga poses that can give you relief from sciatica pain

Sciatica nerves can be intolerably painful at times. The pain can be so debilitating that you won’t even have the energy left to get up from the couch. Various factors can contribute to sciatica pain, including a ruptured disk, injury, and narrowing of the spinal canal. The best way to get sciatica pain relief is to stretch the body and rotate the hip region externally.
Effective ways to lower high potassium level in blood

Effective ways to lower high potassium level in blood

When the potassium level is too high in blood, it causes the condition of hyperkalemia. Though there are many benefits of potassium in our bodies, too much of potassium can cause trouble. Potassium is an essential mineral that your cells, tissues and organs require. For skeletal and smooth muscle contraction, potassium is highly important.
How to Get Rid of Warts Effectively

How to Get Rid of Warts Effectively

Warts form when the cells of the skin grow at a faster rate than usual because they are infected with something known as the human papillomavirus (HPV). Some other strains of the HPV are known to cause severe issues like anal warts and genital warts. Some sexually-transmitted types of HPV are implicated in cervical and other genital cancers.
Causes and symptoms of hashimotos disease

Causes and symptoms of hashimotos disease

Hashimoto’s disease, also known as Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, is a condition where the immune system in an individual’s body turn against its own tissues. The primary act of the immune system of a person infected by Hashimoto’s disease is to attack the thyroid. This attack usually leads to hyperthyroidism, a condition where the thyroid is unable to produce enough hormones.